Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Vacation Installment #2: Gross Morne Park

Tuesday June 19th: our first full day in Newfoundland.

We left Cornerbrook and stopped at a lookout. There's snow in them thar hills! (seems strange after leaving 30C degree weather in Ontario)
and headed towards Gross Morne Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was here that geologists discovered proof that the continents drift. Our hiking destination - a gigantic fjord with sides 2,000 feet high (no, we didn't climb them!)
Here are some sites from the hike:

The board walk starting off the hike
The peat bogAccording to the sign: dead plants have piled up here for over 8000 years. Bog water is cold and acidic and contains almost no oxygen. Decay stops. Stems,leaves, and pollen become pickled in the peat. There are 4 metres of peat here!

Finally, arrival at Western Brook Pond (what we would call a lake):

We couldn't go on the boat tour through the fjord...they only took cash and we didn't have enough cash with us (not used to carrying cash). But we had a great hike in and back out again.

And we spotted some moose just before we got to our car: (yes, there really are 2 moose in this photo!)

Back to the car, and back down the highway out to TransCanada Hwy 1 to Badger. We stopped at the Three Rivers Country Inn - a B&B run by Maria...a lovely woman! After dinner at a local restaurant (well, the only local restaurant!) Maria supplied us with some wine and we had a lovely evening chatting.

Tommorrow: Twillingate

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