Thursday, July 19, 2007

For the birds

Meet our purple finch. He visits us from time to time, but not nearly as often as I'd like to see him. I love his colouring, and feel fortunate whenever he decides to visit our feeders.

So, I was pleasantly surprised to find some wonderful fabric on Etsy supplied by Beebee Mod.

I have a "vintage" dining room set that I really don't like very much but I can't bear to part with. My parents bought the set second hand when they were young and it was in our family home for over 25 years. After my mom passed away, my dad downsized his home and gave the set to me. I've had it for 20 years. So you see, I really can't part with it.

But it was time to funk it up a bit, and this bird seed fabric was just the thing! Here's how it looks on one of the chairs now:

I love it! My son thinks I'm crazy. Well, it definitely makes a statement!


Angelique said...

I love it too!!! Tell your son he's crazy. :-) It really looks great. You must smile every time you look at your chair. I know it would put a smile on my face.

Bumbershootska said...

It's gorgeous!!!!

Jennifer said...

Yes, see it's a winner! I love it!