Monday, May 14, 2007

Who knew dogs could garden?

A week or so ago, our dog Mulligan was going crazy digging. She was obsessed and spent quite a long time going back to her hole. She's a medium size dog (about 55 pounds) and dug the hole so deep that only her tail showed when we looked out onto the meadow to see what she was up to. She never found anything, and we left the hole the way it was.
Yesterday, as we were touring the yard, I noticed lots and lots of sprouts close to Mulligan's hole. If you look closely, you can see the sunflower seeds still on some of the sprouts. There are hundreds of them spread in a 10 foot range.
My theory is that she found some sort of nest (maybe a squirrel's stash?) and was going after the rodent. When she was digging, she spread the seeds everywhere and now they have sprouted.
Mulligan is now my official gardening partner! I hope some of them grow. I'm not going to water them...just let nature take it's course. I'll post an update later in the summer.

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