Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Power of Pumpkins

This photo is not our Mulligan....but it sure looks a lot like her! I received the photo last year from Jennifer. This is Sammy.

Do you have a photo of your dog with pumpkins? If you do...please email it to me! Maybe we'll use it on our new & improved pumpkin biscuits. If you don't have a photo, what are you waiting for? Get creative! (remember, we change the photos to black & white to use on our tags and we need a minimum of 300 dpi)

A very dear friend of mine has a dog battling bone cancer. Molly can no longer eat any grains. I have been experimenting with a couple of recipes and have decided to bring back our pumpkin biscuits. (our friend & customer Erin will be happy to hear this....she was so disappointed when I dropped pumpkin from our biscuit line)

I've modified our previous recipe and have eliminated the oats. The new recipe is currently being tested and if all goes well it will be hitting the shelves in October. The new list of ingredients in our pumpkin biscuits will be: pumpkin, brown rice flour, unsalted sunflower seeds, water, egg, corn oil, baking soda, and allspice.

Pumpkin and allspice are very good for the digestive system. These biscuits are packed with healthy goodness and boy do they smell good!

1 comment:

Angelique said...

that is such a great photo. Hmmmm....I might have to go buy some pumpkins. The biscuits sound yummy.