Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Tree Expedition

Yesterday took us to the Christmas Tree farm with John's daughter and grandson. It was a bleak day outside, but we had lots of fun nonetheless.
3 Generations

Lots of fun making snow angels...can you see Mr. J's angel?

Not to be outdone, his mom had to join in the angel making fun...

Despite all the shenanigans, we did find a tree. A skinny but tall tree who will look just fine with our decorations at home. And on our way back home, what did we see? Wild turkeys by the side of the road, who took flight when I stepped out of the car to snap some photos.Back home to some hot soup!


Jennifer said...

Oh the snow! I want that snow. How fun.

Angelique said...

How FUN!! We cut our own tree too (I have so many things to post).