Monday, October 8, 2007

You snooze, you lose

Our lives have been in a little bit of an upheaval over the last couple of weeks. The addition of Cassie to our lives has had a few ups and downs. She is a great dog, but does have a few challenges. (don't we all?) We were warned that she is a "bit of a counter surfer". Whoa. Understatement. One day she ate half a pound of butter in the time it took me to walk from the kitchen to the dining room table to put down my piece of toast. Another day she stole a two pound roast of beef from the counter after John made a sandwich and before I got to it to make mine. There was no trace of it anywhere in less than one minute.

Yesterday we had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner at our place. Eight of us stuffed our faces and had a great family time. Lots of things to be thankful for. I was so full after dinner, that I didn't have a piece of pumpkin of my favourites. I thought I'd save it for Monday when I could really enjoy it.

You snooze, you lose.

Until I can get Cassie trained not to "counter surf", I need to train the 2 legged family members not to leave food on the counter.

Pumpkin pie...gone. Bumbleberry pie (only one piece taken)...gone. And the evidence was clearly there this time...pumpkin pie all over Cassie's face! Deep breath. No pie for me. I really do love this dog. (?)

Cassie's Day At The Spaw...Before & After


Angelique said... I know Cassie taking the food off the table is really not that funny, but when I first started reading your post, I busted up laughing. Your description is too great..I really got a good visual. So sorry...the laughter is truly at your expense. :-)
Her 'after' grooming picture is sooo cute!

Christine said...

Yes, they said she was a counter surfer. My last Giant was an excellent counter surfer and taught us to put things up high. But pots on the stove seemed to be her favorite.
Love Cassie's new haircut! She's pretty :)

Jennifer said...

Oh my! What a beauty. I remember our dog doing the same thing once. I turned my head and he at a half dozen raw chocolate sugar cookies. Didn't get sick. I wonder if Casey felt good after her thanksgiving. I would of ate the pie too.

Amanda said...

Cassie's grooming job looks fantastic! My dog is a bit of a counter can leave anything up there but if its any kind of bread its his. We say he's a carbo-holic. I guess management is the easiest way to deal with this, my friend's dog was a big counter surfer and she now has the neatest, cleanest counters ever! I've also heard of using something called the Scat mat...its mostly for cats to stop them from jumping up onto things, but basically a sensor detects motion and then something is sprayed...usually it will startle the dog/cat enough so that they learn not to do it again. I'm not sure how much it is but its just a suggestion!

Mississauga Kids said...

What kind of dog is Casie...she looks a bit like a black airedale! They do exist...but are somewhat unusual,,,they rescuse a bunch in Arizona several years ago.

Anne Green
Owner Ellie the Airedale
A rescue fro,