Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Urban Dog Photog's PerPETual calendar

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I met with the Paws for Charity women for coffee. Urban Dog Photog Sue Bird had her new calendars with her....and they are fantastic!

Sue always comes up with such original ideas, and this is definitely original. Her 2 year perPETual calendar is a wire bound calendar featuring her fantastic dog photography.

One year is dedicated to greyhounds. The other year is an "all breed" calendar. Aside from Sue's wonderful photographs, the great thing about this calendar is that it's can start it anytime and go for 2 years. Anytime. Not just in January. Not just for 2008/2009. Anytime.

What a great idea! Even better is that Sue is donating part of the proceeds from each calendar sale to our Paws For Charity cause.

To order a calendar (great for gifts!) go to the "Buy" section at

1 comment:

Angelique said...

The calendar is great!
I was trying to put together a calendar to help the "Dumb Friends" league in Denver. Each month was going to be a photo of an adopted dog with a little story about them. But I can't seem to find a printing place with good pricing for a non bulk order. I'm just not in a position to be able to buy in bulk just yet. I'm still doing some more research so maybe it will still happen, but it seems it's getting a little too late in the year.