Monday, August 27, 2007

BARK Picnic #1

Yesterday's BARK Picnic was lots of fun. I haven't heard yet how much money was raised for BARK, but there were hundreds of dogs and people there. Here is a photo of me setting up The Barking Biscuit booth.

Now, a couple of photos after the people arrived. Quite a change!
Here's a few photos from one of the games....Musical Dogs. This game took quite a while...there must have been about 50 dogs to start:The dogs had to walk around in a circle while the music was playing. As soon as the music stopped, they had to sit. Last one sitting was eliminated.'ll have to guess who won. We didn't get a photo of the winner!
Next was the obstacle race. There were 3 teams of 10 dogs. All the dogs had to jump over the low bar,
go around a pilon, bypass a tub of treats, go around another pilon and run back to the start. If the amount of cheering was anything to go by, everyone had lots of fun.
It was a great day, perfect weather, and a fun way to raise money for a deserving charity.
Next: some of the dogs we met at the picnic


Anonymous said...

Looks like a good time was had by all. Hope they raised lots of money.

Christine said...

Were there any Giants there?

Barking Biscuit said...

No Giant Schnauzers...there was a "Golden Doodle" there that looked like an unclipped GS (there wasn't any golden in that golden was black!) No standard size schauzers either, but a couple of minis.

Angelique said...

The games look like so much fun. I need to find something like that around here..Avie would just love it!